Ava Sorensen Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo Ava Sorensen This user account status is Approved About About Posts Posts Comments Comments The Americans persecuted Native Americans and forced them into a treaty to take their land. Not only were their actions… On The “Indian Problem” David Young had a very insightful response as to why Christians in the South accepted slavery. He noted that the… On Why did Christians in the Antebellum South approve of slavery? | David Young | Choose Life Dr. Cone did a great job explaining what religion means for African Americans. In a time where their bodies and… On The Cross and the Lynching Tree (James Hal Cone and Bill Moyers) I found this interview extremely compelling. I was fascinated how Toni Morrison wrote her novels. She had to place herself… On Toni Morrison interview on “Jazz” (1993) Dr. Cone conveyed a powerful message in his speech. He spoke on the origins of BLT and why he decided… On James H. Cone