Victoria Losurdo Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo Victoria Losurdo This user account status is Approved About About Posts Posts Comments Comments There were many unethical means by which the US officials would coerce Native Americans into signing treaties with them. Native… On The “Indian Problem” This is a very insightful answer to the question of why Christians in the south would approve of slavery. He… On Why did Christians in the Antebellum South approve of slavery? | David Young | Choose Life This video is very interesting and powerful, as we see James Cone relating the lynching of African Americans to the… On The Cross and the Lynching Tree (James Hal Cone and Bill Moyers) This is an incredibly well known speech and it is so interesting to learn that there was originally a different… On Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech originally had a different title This video was very powerful to listen to. Cone puts a very interesting perspective on racism and religion. I think… On James H. Cone This was a very interesting video. I really enjoyed learning about Morrison's experiences and processes in writing and creating her… On Toni Morrison interview on “Jazz” (1993)